The Timashev Family Music Building, within a newly envisioned Arts District, is slated to open in less than one year and construction progress is notable – including exterior masonry and facade work as the project team approaches its next major milestone of building enclosure. The district, sited between 15th and 18th avenues, envisions high-quality, modern learning environments for interaction across arts disciplines. The $165.1 million project includes new facilities for the School of Music (Timashev Family Music Building) and Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts. Current construction activities include:
Timashev Family Music Building
- Interior framing is underway on the first floor.
- Drywall hanging is ongoing on the second through fifth floors.
- First coat of painting is underway on the third and fourth floors.
- Masonry facade work continues on the northeast elevation.
Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts
- Footings, grade beams and stem wall installation continue in the basement.
- Slab on grade work is ongoing.
- Steel deliveries started on May 19 and installation began in late May.
A College Road closure from 18th Avenue to the north side of the Oval for curb replacement is underway and will continue through August 2021.
The Timashev Family Music Building is scheduled to open in March 2022 and includes both renovation and expansion to the School of Music building. The Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts building is scheduled to open in February 2023.