The Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Center is about 85% complete with Hamilton Hall Phase III construction. Anatomy Phase I opened in January 2022 and Classroom Phase II opened in June 2023.
Slideshow: Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Center

The Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Center is about 85% complete with Hamilton Hall Phase III construction. Anatomy Phase I opened in January 2022 and Classroom Phase II opened in June 2023.
Phase 3 of construction on the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Center is nearing 60% complete. This third and final phase includes a 120,000-square-foot renovation of Hamilton Hall, which is poised for completion in March 2024. The Classroom Wing, Phase 2, is on track for a move-in date of mid-July. The Anatomy Wing, Phase 1, opened in January 2022.
The Classroom Wing, Phase 2 of the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Center, is nearing the finish line with final inspections scheduled for May 2023 and a move-in date of mid-July. The renovation of Hamilton Hall, Phase 3, is scheduled to open in January 2024. The Anatomy Wing, Phase 1, opened in January 2022.
Exterior framing of the classroom wing phase is complete, while masonry as well as mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) rough-in continue. Demolition inside Hamilton Hall has wrapped up and foundation work has begun on the forum.
The Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Center is 50% complete. The anatomy wing opened in January 2022. Steel installation continues as part of the classroom wing phase, and parts of Hamilton Hall are being prepared for demolition in order to expand the current building footprint.