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  • Slideshow: Energy Advancement and Innovation Center

    The Energy Advancement and Innovation Center, located on the corner of Kenny Road and Lane Avenue in Ohio State’s Innovation District, is getting high marks. The facility recently won the 2022 Green GOOD DESIGN® Award.

  • Slideshow: Inpatient Hospital

    The main entrance to the Wexner Medical Center inpatient hospital is taking shape as steel framing continues in preparation for glass installation. Structural steel is up to level 15 and the concrete structure of the middle elevator tower is approaching level 25. The 1.9 million-square-foot hospital is the largest single facilities project ever undertaken at Ohio State.

  • City of Ohio State Podcast: Campus Construction

    On Episode 2 of the "City of Ohio State" podcast, hear from Ohio State’s associate vice president of Facilities Design and Construction Kristin Poldemann. The 15-minute podcast runs down major construction happening on campus – from a new inpatient hospital and a blossoming Innovation District to an investment in the Arts.

  • Slideshow: Arts District

    Crews are nearing the halfway point on construction of the Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts. They are working on mechanical, electrical and plumbing lines and installing drywall, windows, exterior panels, framing, and the roof.

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