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  • Slideshow: Outpatient Care West Campus

    Concrete work continues, and steel arrivals are scheduled for the Outpatient Care West Campus construction site, located in the Innovation District.

    Construction began in summer 2020, and recent progress highlights include:

  • Slideshow: Outpatient Care New Albany

    The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Outpatient Care New Albany, located at Hamilton Road and SR 161, remains on track to wrap up construction by June 2021. At approximately 250,000 square feet, the facility includes two sections - a five-story medical office building and a two-story outpatient care surgical center. Construction progress updates include:

  • Video Tour: Arts District

    The Arts District, sited between 15th and 18th avenues, envisions high-quality, modern learning environments for interaction across arts disciplines. The $165.1 million project includes new facilities for the School of Music (Timashev Family Music Building) and Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts.

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