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  • Slideshow: Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Center

    Steel fireproofing is ongoing on the upper levels of the Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Center while interior framing at the basement level continues. Renovation of the 120,000 square foot Hamilton Hall and construction of a new 100,000-square-foot building began in November 2019.

  • Slideshow: Arts District

    The Arts District, sited between 15th and 18th avenues, envisions high-quality, modern learning environments for interaction across arts disciplines. The $165.1 million project includes new facilities for the School of Music (Timashev Family Music Building) and Department of Theatre, Film, and Media Arts. Current construction activities include:

  • 15+HIGH Project 60% Complete

    Campus Partners’ 15+HIGH project is 60% complete. The project, which sits on 9 acres, will have four main buildings, a public square and will feature restaurants, bars and retail stores. It promises to be an exciting gathering space at Ohio State’s front door.

  • In the News: Facility opens to sanitize surgical equipment

    The Columbus Dispatch recently reported on the opening of The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center Central Sterile Supply facility. As reported, the first freestanding facility in Ohio dedicated to cleaning surgical equipment opened in February 2021.

  • Slideshow: Inpatient Hospital, Cannon Garage Demolition

    Demolition of the above ground portion of the North and South Cannon Garages was completed in early March 2021. The new Inpatient Hospital foundation work continues upward, with the first structural deck concrete pour occurring March 4. Construction on the 1.9 million-square-feet hospital began in fall 2020 and is the largest single facilities project ever undertaken at Ohio State.

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