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  • Buckeye View - Inpatient Hospital

    Take a bird’s eye view of the 1.9 million-square-foot inpatient tower, which includes up to 820 beds in private-room settings, large windows to enhance patient experience and much more. Hear from medical center CEO and executive vice president John J. Warner, MD, and the construction team about the building’s future impact and current progress.

  • Increased Noise, Construction Traffic Near Drake and Towers

    As early as November 6 and continuing through the end of January 2024, the demolition of the Drake Performance Center will occur.  Fencing around the site will remain in place. Additional noise associated with the demolition will take place Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day.

  • Slideshow: Energy Advancement and Innovation Center

    Work on the $49.3 million Energy Advancement and Innovation Center is just a few weeks away from crossing the finish line. With a November 2023 opening date, crews are working on finishing touches to the interior of the facility. Final inspections are pending the synchronization of the photovoltaic array with the building electrical system and rapid shut down safety system.

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